The Leading Australian Ecommerce Agency Driving Revenue Generation

NeoSolax, the leading eCommerce website design & development company in Australia, brings over 15 years of expertise in Adobe Commerce, Magento Open Source, Shopify, and WooCommerce.

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Your Premier Ecommerce Website Development Company

At NeoSolax, we’re dedicated to helping your business thrive online, ensuring you achieve sales growth and success with confidence.
We understand that successful online stores need more than just fancy websites. That’s why we take a holistic approach, blending creativity with technology, focusing on your brand, and ensuring every click leads to a sale.
We specialize in SEO-friendly eCommerce website development, including Adobe Commerce development, Magento development, Shopify development, and WooCommerce development. By adhering to industry standards and leveraging the latest technology, we guarantee a delightful user experience for your customers. From start to finish, we prioritize quality and offer ongoing support to ensure your brand stands out online.

Decoding the Role of NeoSolax Pty Ltd. The Ecommerce Web Design Company

NEOSOLAX as an expert Ecommerce Agency provides services to empower businesses in establishing and enhancing their online footprint. Our comprehensive skill set encompasses website development, digital marketing, search engine optimization, content creation, social media management, and data analysis. By availing yourselves of these services, your business gains access to specialised knowledge and resources that aid you in building robust eCommerce platforms, enhancing user experiences, driving traffic, and boosting conversion rates

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We bring extensive technical expertise to provide you
with the best eCommerce solutions using
Magento to deliver exactly what your
business requires.

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We bring extensive technical expertise to provide you
with the best eCommerce solutions using
Magento to deliver exactly what your
business requires.

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We bring extensive technical expertise to provide you
with the best eCommerce solutions using
Magento to deliver exactly what your
business requires.

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Our Expertise

From Development
To Support

We bring extensive technical expertise to provide you with the
best eCommerce solutions using Magento to deliver exactly
what your business requires.

Highly Customized and feature rich
magento website for your B2B OR B2C
eCommerce store

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Highly Customized and feature rich
magento website for your B2B OR B2C
eCommerce store

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eCommerce PWA

Drive more sales with your
enhanced mobile store delivering
first-in-class user experience.

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Extension Development
& API Integration

Best in custom development to add
valuable features and functionality
suited to your web application.

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Support And

We make sure your online store
is running 24/7 allowing you
to focus on your business.

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Advantages of Collaborating
with NeoSolax, the
eCommerce Agency

Enterprises can reap several benefits from partnering with NEOSOLAX eCommerce agency. Firstly,we possess a deep understanding of the eCommerce landscape, staying up to date with industry trends, technologies, and consumer behaviours. This expertise enables them to devise tailored strategies that align with the unique goals and requirements of each business. Secondly, NeoSolax offers invaluable experience in optimising online platforms, ensuring seamless navigation, faster loading times, and mobile compatibility, thus enhancing user experiences and increasing sales. Additionally,we employ advanced analytics tools to monitor key performance indicators, identify improvement areas, and make data-driven decisions.

Advantages of Collaborating with
NeoSolax, the eCommerce Agency

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Enterprises can reap several benefits from partnering with NEOSOLAX eCommerce agency. Firstly,we possess a deep understanding of the eCommerce landscape, staying up to date with industry trends, technologies, and consumer
behaviours. This expertise enables them to devise tailored strategies that align with the unique goals and requirements of each business. Secondly, NeoSolax offers invaluable experience in optimising online platforms, ensuring seamless
navigation, faster loading times, and mobile compatibility, thus enhancing user experiences and increasing sales. Additionally, we employ advanced analytics tools to monitor key performance indicators, identify improvement areas, and make data-driven decisions.

describe business growth

Fueling Business Growth
through NeoSolax

We serve as catalysts for business growth. Our expertise allows enterprises to expand their customer base, tap into new markets, and target diverse demographics.
By implementing targeted marketing strategies, agencies attract relevant traffic to businesses’ websites, increasing the likelihood of conversions. Furthermore,we optimise the customer journey by streamlining purchasing processes,personalising experiences, and providing efficient customer support systems. This fosters higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. Leveraging social media platforms, creating engaging content, and developing strong brand identities are other ways we contribute to enhanced brand awareness and market visibility.

Fueling Business Growth through

describe business growth mobile

We serve as catalysts for business growth. Our expertise allows enterprises to expand their customer base, tap into new markets, and target diverse demographics. By implementing targeted marketing strategies, agencies attract relevant traffic to businesses’ websites, increasing the likelihood of conversions.
Furthermore, we optimise the customer journey by streamlining purchasing processes, personalising experiences, and providing efficient customer support systems. This fosters higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. Leveraging social media platforms, creating engaging content, and developing strong brand identities
are other ways we contribute to enhanced brand awareness and market visibility.

Resource Deployment

How We Provide

You can hire our team for a specific project or use our experts to augment yours on an ongoing basis. In both cases, our developers operate as part of your in-house team, so they adapt to your routines.

Resource Based

Our experts are deployed into your project.
Whether its developers or consultants
we deploy resources based on your project
resource requirement.

Project Based

Our team takes care of your Project while you
focus on growing your business. We excel at
Business Analysis, Technical Architecture,
Design, Development and Quality Assurance.


Country with the most
no. of projects completed.


No of countries we have
completed projects in.


Major Development
projects completed

7+ Years

Longest relationship
duration with a single client.


No of years of business and
collective team experience.


Projects split between development related and
support related.

Case Study

Our Successful Launch with
Magento PWA. is a top eCommerce website in Mongolia. Nomin Holding has been providinginnovative and cost-effective products and services to the country since its establishment in 1992. Nomin Eshop was launched in 2008 as Mongolia’s first online shopping site.

View Case Study
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Case Study

Magento Support and
Maintenance for J20 Growth.

NeoSolax was approached to provide maintenance and support to the official j20 sports website. NeoSolax through the initial audit identified that there is currently no proper deployment mechanism. The customer also recognized the need for migration as an opportunity to introduce some website optimization.

View Case Study
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Client Testimonials

Hear from our Clients

“It’s a pleasure working with the team at NeoSolax. The team is very organized and responsive. With Muditha’s many years of experience, we are constantly made to feel confident, and at ease. The team is very flexible and goes out of their way to support and ensure that the exact requirement is understood whilst working towards developing the best platform for our customers.

Asvine Ganeshan
CEO Kiddoz – Strides Tech Solutions

Partnering with NeoSolax kept us ahead of the game from day one with their quick support and agile approach in managing tasks. The quality and timing with which NeoSolax resolve problems is the main strength of the company. The availability of developers, even during after hours, is exactly what we needed to keep our clients satisfied.

Nadeem Moulana
CEO – Pentacove Pvt Ltd

Our site was underperforming when we reached NeoSolax. They immediately changed the hosting provider and made the necessary adjustment to speed up the site. NeoSolax has depth knowledge about Magento and also helps us to shape our online presence.

Harsha Kodituwakku
CEO – Arienti

Our Team

Meet Our Team

A core management team that drive solution
architecture to help achieve outcomes.

About Us
Muditha Ediriweera


Founder CEO
sahan thilakarathna


Tech Lead

NeoSolax Pty Ltd- The Ecommerce Agency Leading You to Excellence in Ecommerce!

If you are reading this, you are already part of a great journey to create wonders in the eCommerce arena….
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Celebrating the Empowered Women Entrepreneurs of 2024. A Tribute by NeoSolax Pty Ltd

In a world fueled by innovation and resilience, women entrepreneurs stand tall, breaking barriers and shattering traditional stereotypes. As we…
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+61 451423332


19 Skeggs Crescent,
Heidelberg Heights,
VIC 3081

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